Edit tournament's user permission attributes
To edit a user permission attributes of a tournament you can use
extern crate toornament; use toornament::*; fn main() { use std::collections::BTreeSet; let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET").unwrap() .timeout(5); // Define our permission attributes let mut attributes = BTreeSet::new(); attributes.insert(PermissionAttribute::Register); attributes.insert(PermissionAttribute::Edit); // Update attributes of a permission with id = "2" of a tournament with id = "1" let permission = toornament.update_tournament_permission_attributes( TournamentId("1".to_owned()), PermissionId("2".to_owned()), PermissionAttributes(attributes)); }
This will return a new user permission as a result.
Via iter-like
extern crate toornament; use toornament::*; fn main() { use std::collections::BTreeSet; let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET").unwrap() .timeout(5); let permission = toornament.tournaments_iter() .with_id(TournamentId("1".to_owned())) .permissions() .with_id(PermissionId("2".to_owned())) .attributes() .edit(|_| { // Define our permission attributes let mut attributes = BTreeSet::new(); attributes.insert(PermissionAttribute::Register); attributes.insert(PermissionAttribute::Edit); PermissionAttributes(attributes) }) .update(); }