Edit a tournament

So, on the previous page we created a tournament. Let's edit some of it's parts! Imagine, that we want to add a web-site of the tournament so the participants or just toornament users may know more about the tournament. We do this simply: edit needed field of the tournament object and then send it through the same endpoint. So, by the steps:

  1. Editing a tournament object:

    extern crate toornament;
    use toornament::*;
    fn main() {
        let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN",
        // Defining a website
        let tournament_website = Some("https://toornament.com/".to_owned());
        // Creating a `Tournament` object for adding it to the service
        let mut tournament = Tournament::create(DisciplineId("wwe2k17".to_owned()),
                                                "test tournament by fx",
        // Some checks to be sure that our website is not set and our tournament is not public
        assert_eq!(tournament.public, false);
        // Editing fields of the object
        tournament = tournament.website(tournament_website.clone())
        // Checking everything has been done correctly
        assert_eq!(tournament.website, tournament_website);
        assert_eq!(tournament.public, true);
  2. Sending edited tournament object with re-assigning returned tournament from the service to our variable so it is updated with the information from the server.

    // Updating our previously created tournament with new website information
    tournament = toornament.edit_tournament(tournament)?;
  3. Making sure that everything has been done correctly:

    assert_eq!(tournament.website, tournament_website);
    assert_eq!(tournament.public, true);

So, we have just edited our tournament!

Another way to do that is via iter-like interface:

extern crate toornament;
use toornament::*;

fn main() {
    let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN",

    // Creating a `Tournament` object for adding it to the service
    let mut tournament = Tournament::create(DisciplineId("wwe2k17".to_owned()),
                                            "test tournament by fx",

    // Some checks to be sure that our website is not set and our tournament is not public
    assert_eq!(tournament.public, false);

    tournament = toornament.tournaments_iter()
                           .edit(|mut t| t.website(Some("https://toornament.com/".to_owned()))

    // Checking everything has been done correctly
    assert_eq!(tournament.website, Some("https://toornament.com/".to_owned()));
    assert_eq!(tournament.public, true);