Delete a tournament
Deleting a tournament is very simple: just call an appropriate method with tournament id:
extern crate toornament; use toornament::*; fn main() { let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET").unwrap() .timeout(5); // Deleting our tournament println!("Deleted tournament: {:?}\n", toornament.delete_tournament(TournamentId("1".to_owned()))); }
After that you may no longer see this tournament in your organizator's webpage.
Another way to do that is via iter
extern crate toornament; use toornament::*; fn main() { let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET").unwrap() .timeout(5); // Deleting our tournament println!("Deleted tournament: {:?}\n", toornament.tournaments_iter() .with_id(TournamentId("1".to_owned())) .delete()); }