Quick start


To compile the crate simply get the sources and perform use cargo to build it:

git clone https://github.com/vityafx/toornament-rs.git
cd toornament-rs/
cargo update;
cargo build --release;

Adding the crate as dependency

To add as dependency you must add the line into your Cargo.toml:

toornament = "*"

It will get the latest available toornament crate. However, if you want to publish your crate you must know the exact version and specify it in the [dependencies] section.


Check that you have everything installed correctly by compiling a minimal user-crate:

extern crate toornament;
use toornament::*;

fn main() {
    let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN",

    // Listing all the tournaments
    println!("Tournaments: {:?}\n", toornament.tournaments(None, true));

Change API_TOKEN, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET to yours and run the source with cargo run. If everything is good you will see all the tournaments available in the toornament.com service.