List disciplines
To fetch all the disciplines you can use Toornament::disciplines
extern crate toornament; use toornament::*; fn main() { let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET").unwrap() .timeout(5); // Getting all disciplines let all_disciplines = toornament.disciplines(None); }
This will return all the available disciplines.
To get one particular discipline in details you may use the same endpoint but pass a discipline id there:
// Get discipline by it's id
let wwe2k17_discipline = toornament.disciplines(Some(DisciplineId("wwe2k17".to_owned())));
Via iter
-like interface:
let all_disciplines = Disciplines::all();
let wwe2k17_discipline = Discipline::with_id(DisciplineId("wwe2k17".to_owned()));
extern crate toornament; use toornament::*; fn main() { let toornament = Toornament::with_application("API_TOKEN", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET").unwrap() .timeout(5); let all = toornament.disciplines_iter() .all() .collect::<Disciplines>(); let wwe2k17_discipline = toornament.disciplines_iter() .with_id(DisciplineId("wwe2k17".to_owned())) .collect::<Discipline>(); }